Things You Need to Know About Basilisk. 

Do you want to know about a creature that has some interesting facts? So here we will give you some information about a specie that has the impressive ability to run or walk on water. This creature’s common name is Green Crested Basilisk Lizard. It belongs to the reptiles, and its scientific name is Basiliscus Plumiforns. Their bright colors and whip-like tail make them the most distinctive lizard in the world. They have four species.

The Basilisk is found in the tropical rain forests of South America and from Mexico to Panama. Their life span is about ten years, and they belong to the iguana family. They grow up to 2 to 2.5 feet in length, including their long tail. They have weights up to 7 ounces. Male Basilisks have a unique crest on their head and backs, which they use to impress and attract the female Basilisk.

Green Basilisks

spend their most time in the trees; when they feel threatened, they move quickly from one tree to another and drop into the water. They are the only creature on this planet that can walk about 5 feet per second on the water. Basilisks real have long toes on the back feet with outer edges of skin that help them move quickly. Their legs and feet slap hard on the water as they rapidly move. It creates a tiny air compact that prevents them from sinking in the water and helps to maintain their speed. Along the surface, they eventually move at 15 feet per second.

How to breed a Basilisk?

To breed a Basilisk is an easy way. The female Basilisk prepares a hallow ditch where it lays up to 20 eggs during pregnancy. Then she leaves the egg to the hatch of their power. The baby Basilisk, hatchlings hatched from the eggs, can run on both water and land; they can swim and climb on the trees. If you have a question, How does one breed a Basilisk? This can be easy; following up on this method can breed a Basilisk.

Basilisk Lizard food

on green plants, insects, fruits, and vertebrates; they are omnivores. They also prey on crawfish, small lizards, snails, spiders, and mammals. They possess solitary group behavior. Green Basilisk feels the most significant threat from pollution and habitat destruction. They have scales of different colors like brown, yellow, red, black, and Blue Basilisk on their body. Their gestation period is eight weeks, and their age of sexual maturity is 15 months.

Some interesting facts about the Basilisk Lizard

  • Basilisk Lizards love to live in the rainforest regions near the stream and water.
  • They have attractive colors that help to recognize their four different species.
  • Sometimes they are also referred to as the name of Jesus Lizard due to their running ability on the water. This name references the walking story of Jesus Christ on the water in the Bible.
  • They can be purchased as a pet at a meager price, starting from $3.


Green Crested Basilisk Lizard is a interesting creature that impress everyone with his unique abelites. Here is we describe complete information about Basilisk Lizard.

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